Dental veneers can rejuvenate your entire smile with one treatment. The versatile nature of veneers means that they can conceal a wide array of cosmetic dental problems, giving you the Hollywood smile you want, or even the naturally beautiful smile you want.
Porcelain veneers can be designed to create the exact type of teeth that will make you feel the most confident. The only way to know for sure if you are a good candidate is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with experienced dentist Dr. Ronald Konig. Please call our helpful team at 713-668-2289  to arrange your appointment.
How Porcelain Veneers Rejuvenate Your Entire Smile
Veneers instantly correct a wide range of issues, including:
- Chipped teeth
- Stained, yellow or discolored teeth
- Worn teeth
- Gaps between teeth
- Some types of crooked teeth/improperly positioned teeth
- Misshapen teeth
If you want a durable, long-lasting way to have the smile of your dreams, then you are probably a good candidate for dental veneers. Dr. Konig will examine your teeth and gums, and assess your dental history so that he can determine if any other type of treatment is recommended. Generally people with good dental health who want to fix a cosmetic tooth flaw are good candidates for veneers.
Finding Out If You Are a Veneers Candidate
Although porcelain veneers are quite good at concealing cosmetic tooth problems, they also serve a functional purpose. The structure of veneers allows Dr. Konig to strengthen your bite. Chipped, worn and gapped teeth can lead to bite problems, and by making all the teeth even with veneers, Dr. Konig can restore a more even, balanced bite.
Dr. Konig is fully committed to recommending those treatments that he knows will be the best match for your dental goals, and for your dental health and comfort. He can help you decide if veneers are the right way to have the smile you want while maintaining the health and function of your bite.
To schedule a consultation with experienced veneers dentist Dr. Ronald Konig, please call our friendly and helpful team at 713-668-2289 . Our dentistry practice proudly serves Houston, TX and all of the surrounding areas, including Katy, Sugar Land and The Woodlands.