Open Bite Treatment and Myofunctional Therapy for TMJ Pain

Video Testimonial

Houston patient of Dr. Konig's discusses myofunctional therapy and open bite correction for the nonsurgical treatment of TMJ facial pain.


Video Transcript

Open Bite Treatment and Myofunctional Therapy for TMJ Pain

Okay, so we have been working on your tongue for about 7 months.  And so tell patients how, how was your tongue before? So before, I didn't even know I had a problem and I had a lot of pain, but had no idea my tongue was a role in it. And my tongue was touching my 2 front teeth right behind there and was causing a lot of pressure and a lot of pain. That's where it rested.  That's where it was when I swallowed. When I was sleeping I was just constantly putting pressure behind my teeth and it was causing a lot of pain.

Okay so how, how is it now?

So now I know the correct positioning of your tongue which is at the roof of your mouth all of the time. And it has helped with pain immensely. Um, it's helped with pressure up here and headaches. But it's also helped with pain here, and muscle tightness here, and muscle tightness here.

Um, it just teaches your tongue that it needs to work instead of your neck and face. Yeah exactly.

So when you are swallowing food and water, the tongue is pushing against the palette more 

Yes. Yes, it's working. It's actually doing its job.


Instead of resting.

Yay! So you are going to keep up with that and we will check back with each other in 3 months.

Yes. Yes.

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