Non-Surgical Dental Facelift in Houston

What is a Non-Surgical Facelift?

If you are unhappy with sagging facial tissues, you may be considering your facelift options. Surgical facelifts can attempt to restore your youthful appearance by cutting, stretching, and re-positioning your facial tissues. The problem with facelift surgery is that your facial tissues are just responding to changes in your mouth and jaw that help to shape your face.

Often the best way to rejuvenate your appearance is to restore those underlying structures so that your teeth and bones are back in the position they once occupied with a non-surgical facelift from a dentist. At the Konig Center for Cosmetic & Comprehensive Dentistry, we can help you get a more youthful facial appearance by restoring a more youthful dental structure. This is described in detail below, but the best way to learn if it is right for you is to get an evaluation by a dentist.

To schedule a comprehensive evaluation, please call the Konig Center for Cosmetic & Comprehensive Dentistry at 713-668-2289  in Houston today for a consultation.


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Your Facial Appearance Depends on Your Mouth

Your mouth is a central feature in your facial appearance not only because your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, but because it provides the framework on which your facial appearance is built. When your facial appearance is first developing, your teeth, skull, and jaw all grow together.

Ideally, they create a harmonious structure that gives you an optimal facial appearance. However, with age your teeth can become worn, lost, or move out of position. The result is not just changes to your smile, but changes to your facial shape and proportion.

Am I a Candidate for a Non-Surgical Facelift?

Dr. Konig’s non-surgical facelift dental services focus on restoring your smile so that areas that have become sunken or hollow can be corrected naturally, rather than by pulling or cutting the skin with a surgical facelift. The problems that can be addressed involve missing teeth, teeth that have ground down over time, TMJ problems, uncorrected bite issues, and more. It’s amazing how the underlying jaw structure, once in alignment and supported by full teeth and prostheses, can return fullness to the face naturally.

What Issues Can a Non-Surgical Facelift Treat?

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If you have these issues, you could be a good candidate for a non-surgical facelift with Dr. Konig:

  • Chin recession
  • Loose, hanging skin around your lips and chin
  • Jowls
  • Turkey neck
  • Sunken lips
  • Hollow cheeks

What are the Benefits of a Non-Surgical Facelift?

The goal of a surgical facelift will often be correcting sunken cheeks, depressed areas around the mouth, hanging jowls, and other signs of aging. But surgical facelifts involve extensive recovery, and they involve the risks inherent in major invasive surgery. Plus, we’ve all seen instances of botched surgical facelifts, where the patient’s face now simply looks stretched and taut.

What if you could use dental techniques, such as placing crowns, replacing lost teeth with implants or bridges, adjusting misaligned jaws, or straightening teeth, to achieve many of the same facial rejuvenation? That’s what a non-surgical facelift with Dr. Konig can achieve.

  • When the teeth are restored, many wrinkles and sunken areas disappear as they have support behind them in the dental structure.
  • Restored teeth help to return length to the face, making it less round and less flattened.
  • When the jaw is properly positioned, the jawline is enhanced. This can correct a “weak” chin due to an overbite, or an underbite.

All of this can be achieved by restoring facets of your dental health and structure. Isn’t that a better, natural way, to achieve a more youthful-looking face?

How Does My Jaw Cause Facial Asymmetry Or Swelling?

Facial asymmetry can occur from the muscles of the face not working together, meaning some are working harder than others. When this happens the muscle working harder becomes larger causing asymmetry. Imagine going to the gym and only doing bicep curls on one arm. Other times, the misaligned bite can place strain on the jaw joint and can cause swelling in the jaw joint. This overtime often leads to changes in the skeletal bones as well which further contributes to facial asymmetry. The good news is most of these issues can be corrected non-surgically.

How can a non-surgical facelift correct TMJ problems?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is usually caused by problems with the patient’s jaw alignment and bite. If your jaw is out of natural alignment, your muscles and your jaw joint work constantly to try and overcome the misalignment. This leads to pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, or in and around the ears when the patient chews or otherwise opens his or her mouth.

These alignment problems can be complex, involving orthodontic tooth movement with Invisalign or Controlled Arch Orthodontics (which widens the entire arch), or correction can be as simple as placing crowns on some teeth that have been worn down by nightly bruxism. You may simply need a night guard to train your jaw to sit in the proper position at night.

Dr. Konig looks at your dental problems that are leading to the need for a non-surgical facelift, and often these involve jaw alignment and TMJ. Correcting your TMJ issues will have the side benefit of providing a non-surgical facelift.

How Non-Surgical Facelifts Work

Non-surgical facelifts work by restoring your teeth and mouth to their former state to improve your facial appearance. If you have lost teeth, your face will lose length, becoming more flattened and round. Your cheeks and lips may become sunken. Typical dentures may not help much because they do not stay in place to fill the role your lost teeth performed. Properly fitted dentures, on the other hand, can restore your facial appearance.

non-surgical facelift konig center of dentistry in houston, tx

Even if you haven't lost teeth, chipped, cracked, or crooked teeth can cause your jaw to move out of alignment. Your jaw can also be moved out of place by injury or a concussive jolt. Poorly positioned jaws can give you the appearance of a receding chin (which can make your nose look large) or crooked jaw. Neuromuscular dentistry can help restore your jaw to its natural position, giving you a firm, well-defined jaw line and reducing the appearance of jowls or turkey neck.

For more information, see our Questions about Non-Surgical Facelifts page.

How is a non-surgical facelift performed?

These can be a variety of treatments, depending upon the patient. Your facial appearance and your oral structure are intricately linked. That’s why issues such as a misaligned jaw or worn teeth can impact your facial appearance, usually making you look older.

When Dr. Konig examines you during your consultation or to begin your treatments, he’ll weigh what issues are causing problems. There can be many treatment paths. These are some of the possibilities:

Cosmetic dentistry

We replace missing teeth with implants or bridges, crown worn teeth, move the teeth with Invisalign, whatever is necessary to get your bite into proper alignment.

Splints or night guards

We fabricate plastic mouthpieces that fit over your upper and lower teeth so they can’t touch. This serves two purposes: mouthpieces lessen the effects of clenching and grinding, and they put the teeth in a more correct position.

Neuromuscular dentistry

Neuromuscular dentistry is concerned with how the teeth, jaw joints, and facial muscles work together to open and close your mouth. Jaw position is directly linked to the appearance of the facial features.

Is a non-surgical facelift painful?

Thanks to modern local anesthesia, these procedures are painless while Dr. Konig is performing them. Afterwards there can be some slight soreness, but it is easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

Are Non-Surgical Facelifts Safe?

These are dental procedures and have been performed countless times over the decades. They are safe. Placing a crown or a dental implant are common dental procedures. When you compare these procedures to the risks involved with a surgical facelift, everything from a reaction to general anesthesia to poor wound healing, there really isn’t any comparison to the natural results provided by a non-surgical dental facelift with Dr. Konig.

What is recovery like for a non-surgical facelift?

Recovery from these cosmetic dentistry procedures, TMJ treatment, possible orthodontics, and other treatments involved with a non-surgical facelift is not difficult. Most procedures involve little if any residual pain. None of them require any downtime.

Does insurance cover non-surgical facelifts?

Some aspects of these treatments can be covered by your dental insurance and some are not covered. It depends if your insurance company deems the procedure to be cosmetic, rather than structural or necessary. We work with your insurance carrier to garner the most coverage possible.

Why Choose Dr. Konig

Only a neuromuscular dentist is properly trained to understand the complex interactions between your teeth, bones, muscles, and nerves. Understanding these interactions is crucial to restoring the proper harmony among your facial tissues that can rejuvenate your facial appearance.

Dr. Ronald W. Konig has received training in neuromuscular dentistry at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. He has helped many people in the Houston area find relief from neuromuscular dental problems to achieve healthy, attractive smiles. To learn more about Dr. Konig's non-surgical facelift procedures, please contact the Konig Center for Cosmetic & Comprehensive Dentistry by calling 713-668-2289  today.

"Outstanding Team and Dentist in town! I am in the Dental field as a Registered Dental Hygienist, and I am more than impressed with the knowledge of Dr. Konig and how he was able to help me. I have visited and worked with many Dentists in my years, and can say that Dr. Konig is one of the best out there."

- Hoivien nguyen

Ask Dr. Konig About Non-Surgical Facelifts In Houston!

To learn more about our Non-surgical Facelift procedures to see if you are a candidate, please call us at 713-668-2289  to schedule a consultation. Our practice serves Houston, TX and the surrounding areas.

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