Will people know I have porcelain veneers? Porcelain veneers are an artform and science as well. Patients have different desires and thoughts about what they would like achieved with veneers. Some desire Hollywood White teeth and others prefer to have a natural white appearance that fits them as an individual.
To best answer the question, will people know I have porcelain veneers, it is necessary to look a little deeper into what porcelain veneers are. They are not a manufactured product but rather a custom made artistic veneer. This is why porcelain veneer results vary so widely from one dentist to another.
Dentists must play a role in designing the veneers and not leave it to the ceramist. The true cosmetic dentist will determine the following before even allowing a ceramist to work on the veneers:
- Size: the correct length, width, and thickness needs to be pre-determined, otherwise patients wind up with veneers that look awkward or bulky and unnatural
- Shape: natural teeth vary from person to person and no one shape works for everyone, the shape can include the roundness of the edges and the position of the line angles of the veneers
- Texture: different textures reflect light differently and the texture should be planned based on the patient
- Glaze: this refers to how shiny the veneers are and can make or break a case.
- Layering of porcelain: natural teeth are not one color from top to bottom and veneers should not be either. Layering of porcelain and adding some translucency also affects the natural appearance.
These and many other factors influence if veneers will look natural. The combined cosmetic dentistry skills of the cosmetic dentist and ceramist will ultimately determine how natural your veneers look. It is possible to create a white and natural appearance as well.
If you have any questions regarding Houston Cosmetic Dentistry or Houston Cosmetic Dentist, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, FIAPA, 713-668-2289.