I Snore, So Does that mean I have sleep apnea? Consider some facts about snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA):
photo credit: Wavebreakmediamicro | Dreamstime.com – Man Snoring Loudly As Partner Blocks Her Ears Photo
-50% of snorers have sleep apnea.
-50% of Obstructive Sleep Apnea sufferers do not snore.
-90% of loud snorers have OSA
-increase in artherosclerosis
-child snorers have a narrow maxilla
-30% frequent and loud snoring will manifest significant hyperactivity and inattention
Bottom line is get proper testing and treatment. Treating snoring without treating or testing for sleep apnea is dangerous and wrong. Simply putting a snoring appliance in without testing before and with the appliance is like giving someone high blood pressure medication without taking their blood pressure! Home monitors should be used to screen and adjust oral appliances to ascertain the patients health.
Bottom line is to get proper testing and treatment. Not being able to breath properly is a serious health issue. Treating snoring without treating or testing for sleep apnea can be dangerous.
If you have any questions regarding Houston Dental Sleep Appliances or Houston TMJ, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-229.