Whitened teeth and veneers on the front two teeth
Not all cosmetic dentistry patients desire to have porcelain veneers on all their teeth. Many times patients simply desire to have broken or chipped teeth fixed. In this case, please note the broken and chipped front two teeth and some wear on the adjacent teeth. Our patient desired to have the these front teeth look nice and a little bit whiter smile. The use of Emax, a very strong and esthetic ceramic, allows for us to be more conservative than doing full crowns. The teeth were whitened and the front two teeth prepared for porcelain veneers. This type of treatment does require more artistic skills to match these teeth to the natural teeth. Our office employs custom shading to create the type of blend seen in the photos. Additionally, some artistic reshaping of the other teeth helped create a softer smile. The beauty of being a cosmetic dentist with a large range of skills allows dentists to offer several options to their patients based on their concerns and desires. If you have any questions regarding Cosmetic Dentistry, Houston, Texas or Houston porcelain veneers, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289