Non-Surgical Overbite Correction in Dental Office: Change your Lower Jaw

Before: Weak chin, overbite, TMJ pain
After: non-surgical overbite correction, note the improved facial proportions. Additionally, no TMJ pain


Not only can an overbite cause TMJ pain and damage your teeth, it often also contributes to:

  1. Facial Asymmetry
  2. Weak Chins
  3. Worn Teeth
  4. Airway/sleep apnea
  5. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMJ)

Retruded chin

Before: profile showing re-truded chin and short lower 1/3 face

After: Improved lower 1/3 face and profile

An alternate approach to years of braces which may or may not be able to fully correct the overbite, is to consider physiologic or neuromuscular overbite treatment.  This is non-surgical overbite correction and involves finding the correct physiologic position for your jaw, neck, and facial muscles.   This position almost always helps facial symmetry, corrects lower 1/3 of the face and allows for a healthier individual.  Additionally, it usually helps the airway as well, a term coined, airway-centric dentistry.

.Dr. Konig explains in his office, ” A reversible test drive bite is always utilized to ascertain comfort and esthetics for his patients”.

The photos show the significant differences in facial form, function, and beauty.

If you have any questions regarding Houston TMJ Treatment,  Houston Non-surgical overbite correction, or

Non-surgical facelift , please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.

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