During consultations regarding porcelain veneers, many patients ask Houston Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Konig if people are going to know they have veneers. The answer is no, veneers can be designed to look natural and white as well and our office designs veneers based on what our patients desire in their smile.
For patients who do not want Hollywood white perfect teeth, these are some of the ways that we design smiles to look natural:
- Layering of color on the porcelain ( natural teeth are not one color)
- Anatomy on the veneers: this allows for natural light reflection
- Contour of the veneers: shaping the edges and surfaces like natural teeth (not all run together like dentures)
- Translucence: added some translucence to the veneer creates a more natural appearance
- Size: veneers need to fit the individual
A close look at these Before & After photos shows some of these advanced veneer artistry described above.
These and many other factors allow for designing veneers that can look like natural teeth. In fact, following these principals allows us to use whiter shades and still appear natural. The truly artistic cosmetic dentists can usually design and contour veneers to create a natural appearance for those who desire a beautiful and natural smile. To look at more Before & After photos please click here.
If you have questions about Houston Cosmetic Dentistry or Houston Veneers, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289