Can the way the teeth meet together affect my facial features. Yes! Many patients and doctors do not realize the major differences that occur with ones face when the jaw is moved to its optimal physiologic position. This affects the facial profile, facial symmetry, and the entire lower 1/3 of the face. Having a bad bite can cause one to have an aging or sagging jawline as well. Treatment for these issues can be accomplished non-surgically and is literally a non-surgical facelift that can be achieved in the dental office.
“Dr. Konig evaluates more than just the teeth when working with jaw alignment cases including the TMJ and airway issues.”
The photos show the remarkable changes that occurred with Dr. Konig’s non-surgical jaw alignment methods and physiologic bite treatment. There are also numerous cases on the smile gallery for non-surgical facelifts.
Before treatment: facial asymmetry, TMJ pain, and unaesthetic smile
These were accomplished without braces or orthognathic surgery. Some common problems that can be corrected with Non-surgical bite correction are:
- Overbites
- Underbites
- TMJ pain and headaches
- Facial Asymmetry
- Over closed Bites
- Worn Teeth
- Receding Chins
- Aging faces
In most cases, it is possible to correct these misalignments and be able to see the differences in facial profiles and function as well. These types of cases cannot be achieved with porcelain veneers alone or simple cosmetic dentistry. It is essential to align the jaw to its correct physiologic position and “test drive” the new alignment before any long term changes are implemented. Most cases are very conservatively treated with minimal or non-preparation of the teeth.
On cases of wotrn teeh and damaged teeth, quite often it is necessary to build the teeth up to the correct physiologic bite position as opposed to grinding them down to the existing bite. Simply placing crowns or veneers on teeth will not create facial changes.
If you have any questions regarding Houston TMJ or Houston Non-surgical jaw alignment, please feel free to call our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.