Houston Cosmetic Dentist, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF discusses the serious issue of dry mouth on oral health. The Chicago Tribune has had numerous articles through the years discussing this and some possible remedies. Dry Mouth is often a side effect of many therapeutic drugs and also cancer treatment. These drugs include many common diuretics and cardiovascular drugs as well. One source estimated that the number of prescription drugs that can cause dry mouth to range from 400-1800! Dry Mouth or xerostomia is not a result of aging and is one of the most challenging oral health situations that I find dentist are facing as there are so many patients on medications. The biggest issue is that dry mouth is causing decay, usually root decay and we see patients who had healthy and beautiful smiles before coming in with a host of problems.
To help, patients can:
1) Discussing with their physicians about changing medications
2) Sip on water throughout the day
3) Try sugar-free lozenges, sugar-free candy, or sugar-free gum
4) Try saliva substitutes
5) Shorten preventive appointment schedules with their dentists
6) Try special RX toothpastes such as Biotine or Clinipro 5000
If you have any questions about Houston Cosmetic Dentistry or Houston Dentists, please feel free to call our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289