Many patients present with overbite and underbite dental problems. A large number of these can be corrected non-surgically and without braces. This is all related to the bite or the way the teeth meet together. Bad bites can contribute to the collapse of facial muscles which can in turn cause a host of problems from:
- Broken Teeth
- Poor facial profiles
- Sunken or aged look of the face
- TMJ or facial pain and headaches
The photo above shows a deep overbite case whose bite was corrected and shows how it becomes a non-surgical facelift restoring her facial features and lower 1/3 of the face.
Generally speaking, this physiologic dentistry can provide a non-surgical facelift for many patients. Treatment is often very conservative. It involves finding the optimal jaw position and muscle position for and working with the teeth help them support this position. The photo above shows the remarkable difference that can be accomplished, making patients healthy and also more youthful.
If you have questions about Houston Cosmetic Dentistry or NonSurgical Facelifts, please feel free to contact our office. Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289.