Can Porcelain Veneers Make You Look Younger And Change the Shape of the Face?

Many patients are looking for a more youthful face and an attractive smile.  A lot of people have heard of porcelain veneers, but many do not truly understand what they really are and how they can be used to change smiles.  Dr. Konig explains, there are two ways veneers can be used to change smiles and facial proportions.

  1.  Porcelain Veneers to change the smile
  2. Cosmetic Dentistry to non-surgically correct bad bites and facial proportions

Misaligned and short teeth

Porcelain Veneers to Whiten and Widen Smile
These were also lengthened to create a beautiful

The first option involves the teeth only (see photos above).Porcelain veneers custom designed thin layers of porcelain that can be attached to the front teeth.  These can be used to lengthen teeth, change the color and shape, and create an attractive.  We are able to custom shade these porcelain veneers to the patient’s desires.  Some like white and natural, others would like a Hollywood white smile.  Either way, we are able to customize the shape and color to each patient to create beautiful results.  Sometimes, widening the smile will also fill in the lip line as well.

Worn and Broken Teeth with Misalgined Bite 

Bite Corrected and Facial Proportions Changed 

Overclosed Bite and Facial Asymmetry 

Improved Smile and Facial Proportions 

Porcelain Veneers with a Non-Surgical Facelift

The second option (see photos above), is more like a non-surgical facelift that can be accomplished in the dental office.   This involves procedures that can change and improve your face, profile, and even the increase in the lower one-third of your face.  This can be done in achieved with very conservative porcelain restorations that does have to involve grinding down the teeth or very minimal grinding.  In essence, this type of cosmetic dentistry can be considered Functional Cosmetic Dentistry as it can restore the bite and face to their correct physiologic proportions.  The photos above show how this has beautifully changed his smile and reversed aging effects.

Simply doing porcelain veneers will not change a bad bite or correct and overbite or underbite.  Many times, patients present for porcelain veneers to correct worn down teeth.  Veneers can help this, however, when patients have worn their teeth down, the loss of facial height accompanies this and the overbites get worse. This can be corrected with non-surgical dental procedures that builds up the teeth to the corrected physiologic bite.  These procedures and correct one’s bite, correct facial symmetry, improve and treat TMJ problems and TMJ pain, as well as change the facial harmony.

This is not to say that all cases need this.  There are many cases when only porcelain veneers are needed and the veneers can be artistically designed and contoured to the desired smile. These are smile makeover cases.  No bite or facial proportion changes involved.

Dr. Konig explains that each case is different based on patient’s needs and desires, however, patients should know they have life-changing options for cosmetic dentistry and that facial proportion and non-surgical facelifts are an option too.

If you have questions regarding Houston Non-Surgical Facelifts, Full Mouth Reconstruction, or Houston Porcelain Veneers, please feel to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF,  713-668-2289.

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