Cosmetic Dentistry has many different definitions. Some cosmetic dental care is simply to try and close spaces or to change the appearance of ones teeth. Other times, with neuromuscular dentistry, we can use technqiues to change to lips and facial profiles. Other times the position of patients teeth have an effect on their lips and facial muscles. Simply bonding or placing porcelain veneers may not achieve the desired results. Additionally, in these cases it could possibly make things worse.
In these photos note how this patient, who presented for cosmetic dentistry, has teeth that are tipped to towards the tongue. Simple porcelain veneers will not correct the facial muscles or lower 1/3 of her face, or the matter, eliminate her bad bite which was causing problems. Further discussion led to uncover that she had popping joints and headaches as well.
Note the difference in the angle of the front teeth as well as the muscle tone of the face. This neuromuscular approach not only improved her smile but changed the quality of her life.
If you have any questions about Houston Cosmetic Dentistry or Houston Cosmetic Dentist, please feel free contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.