Today’s world is full of pollutants and the allergies are causing more children to have malocclusion (bite problems) than ever before. Airway problems do cause bad bites and TMJ problems. Generally speaking, allergies and enlarged tonsils prevent individuals from breathing through their nose and leads to mouthbreathing which is detrimental to ones health and bites. Please view this video for a more detailed explanation of how this problem occurs. Additionally, I wrote another blog which highlights some of these problems. to look for.
In our practice, we see this all the time. This week, we saw a 9 year old lady referred from an orthodontist for TMJ. She was here as she had pain on the left jaw joint as well as popping. Sure enough, she had a really bad bite, could not breathe through her nose and enlarged tonsils. She is fortunate that her orthodontist recognized the problem so that we can help this young lady to a much healthy life at an early age.
If you have any questions regarding Houston TMJ or Houston TMJ Dentist, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289