Can TMJ Be the Cause of Headaches and Neck Pain?

Can TMJ Be the Cause of Headaches and Neck Pain?

It is often hard for individuals to imagine how the jaw alignment can cause headaches and TMJ pain. Consider that the head and neck have so many muscles working together to help us with simple tasks such as chewing, talking, and swallowing. If these muscles are strained or out of alignment due to the way the teeth meet together it can make it difficult or painful to open and close as well as cause the muscle strain that can cause headaches.



cranial derangement
Facial asymmetry due to a misaligned bite: strain can cause headaches and neckaches.


Many times those with headaches and neck pain may also have some facial asymmetry. This can arise from a bad or misaligned bite which then is like a car out of alignment and pulls to one side. The 3D scans below illustrate this situation. The top scan shows how the bite pulls the jaw to the right. This pulls and overworks the muscles of the face and neck. The second scan shows how the face and jaw was realigned with conservative non-surgical jaw alignment methods that Dr. Konig uses. This patient originally presented with headaches and neck issues coupled with the esthetic concern of facial asymmetry

With regards to the neck, many times facial pain patients have a tendency to have a forward head posture, which in turn strains the neck muscles too. Sometimes there is an airway issue or nasal issue involved.

All these issues can often lead to damage of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Some symptoms of TMJ are:

  • Tired or sore jaw
  • Grinding or bruxism
  • Clicking or popping of the joint
  • Earaches or Tinnitus
  • Neck pain and/or shoulder pain
  • Dizziness
  • Eye pain
  • Difficulty chewing
  • And Headaches or Migraines

It may not be easy to visualize the connection with all these symptoms and your bite, however, there is a very real connection.

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders can cause neckaches and headaches due to the interconnectedness of the jaw, neck, and head. The TMJ is the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull, and it is responsible for movements like chewing and speaking. When this joint is misaligned or affected by stress or injury, it can lead to a range of symptoms, including headaches and neck pain.

More detailed information  of  how TMJ disorders contribute to neck  pain  and headaches:

1. Muscle Tension and Overuse

  • TMJ disorders often cause muscle imbalances and tension in the jaw, face, and surrounding areas. The muscles responsible for jaw movement, such as the masseter and temporalis, can become overworked or strained. These muscles connect to the neck and head, so when they are tight or inflamed, they can radiate pain into the neck and trigger tension headaches.

2. Nerve Irritation

  • The TMJ is located near several important nerves, including the trigeminal nerve, which transmits sensory information from the face to the brain. Irritation of this nerve due to TMJ dysfunction can lead to referred pain in the form of headaches or facial pain. This nerve also has branches that connect to areas around the neck, leading to discomfort there as well.

3. Poor Posture

  • People with TMJ issues may adjust their posture to avoid pain, leading to improper alignment of the head and neck. For example, they may tilt or hold their head in a certain position, which can put strain on the muscles of the neck and upper back, contributing to neck aches and even headaches from muscle fatigue and tension. This also puts strain on the cervical vertebrae which in turn can compress nerves leading to facial pain.

4. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

  • TMJ disorders are commonly associated with teeth grinding or clenching, especially during sleep. This repetitive motion puts excessive pressure on the TMJ and the muscles surrounding the jaw, which can lead to muscle tension that radiates up to the head and down into the neck. The overworked muscles can cause

5. Jaw Misalignment

  • Misalignment of the jaw can directly impact the balance and function of the muscles and bones in the neck and head, leading to mechanical stress. This strain can cause tension headaches as well as neck pain from the body’s attempt to compensate for the dysfunction in the joint.

6. Referred Pain

  • The pain caused by TMJ dysfunction doesn’t always stay localized. Because of the intricate connections between the nerves and muscles of the jaw, head, and neck, pain can be referred from the TMJ to other areas, including the temples, the back of the head, and the neck. For example, pain on top of the head could be referred from strain on the 1st cervical vertebrae.

Dr. Konig, whose practice has special interest in TMJ and misaligned jaws explains, “ A bite evaluation or TMJ exam must not only focus on the teeth, but the whole system, this includes the head, neck, posture, jaw joints, tongue, and facial symmetry”.

On another note, most of these issues can be treated non-surgically even if crossbite, overbites, or underbites are involved.

If you have any questions regarding Houston TMJ Treatment or Houston Headache or Migraines, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF713-242-1974.

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